Timor Leste School Project - a long journey
Students from Kensington Primary School held fund raisers to buy stationery items for students in a remote area of Timor Leste. The school is Liaruca Elementary and Junior High school. What a journey it has been. Timor Leste is only 686kms from Darwin.The supplies were packaged up before Christmas and dropped off at DIK to be included in the next container going to Dili. The container left Australia on the 28th February and was expected around the 28th March and on the 5th April it was in harbour awaiting release.
Liaruca is inaccessible during the rainy season as the roads are in poor condition and very dangerous. An attempt was made on the 3rd July to deliver the supplies but it had to be abandoned due heavy rain. On Tuesday 1st August after two consecutive weeks without rain the stationery was delivered and the pictures show how welcome the donation from the children of Kensington Primary School is to this community. Congratulations to the Principle Bridget McLoughlin and her students for their donation and effort.
Maria Silber coordinated collection of contributions by Footscray Rotartians, to this project.