Horn of Africa Project - Update
We are pleased once again to provide an update on the Horn of Africa project. A project commissioned by the Rotary Club of Footscray, as part of Rotary District 9800, and Donations in Kind, to support those living in the Horn of Africa region.
We have achieved another success in fundraising for the Ayder Hospital in the Tigray Regional State of Ethiopia, which is the largest hospital in the region and the only one with surgical facilities. A once state-of-the-art facility providing world class care to people all over the region, the hospital is now in shambles after the recent conflict in the country.
Through the generosity of the community and with the support of Australia Tigray Alliance (ATA), we have been able to raise
$20,219, which will cover the transportation costs of a container loaded with donated materials and equipment. We hope the container will be sent out for transport to its destination of the Port of Djibouti in early 2024.
This success has been a result of everyone involved in this project. Once again, we would like to show our deep appreciation and ask that we all continue striving for a better world for us all.
Jama Farah
International Chair Rotary Club of Footscray