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Exchange student 2025

At our Christmas meeting Eloise, our outgoing Exchange Student,spoke to us briefly about her year ahead in the Czech Republic/Czechia, and included a brief message in Czech. Eloise has had a number of “ups and downs” finding a county to host her exchange and after offers from France, Switzerland and Austria didn’t eventuate a host club was secured in Czechia.
Sunday 1st December was a very exciting day for Eloise and three other young people who are the latest District 9800 Exchange Students, and will all leave for Europe in mid-January.
It was the day they received their blazers, official polo tops and their business cards. District Governor Michael Lapina and DGE Peter Shepheard were there to help with the presentations, wish the students well and very importantly provide pins for their blazers. Maria Silber, pictured with Eloise, was present as our club representative.
The other 3 students are: Jay sponsored by Flemington/Kensington, going to Denmark, Sienna sponsored by Woodend is off to Italy and Matisse sponsored by Bendigo Rotary is heading to Spain.
They have already started learning the language of their new country and were able to give a short presentation in that language, introducing themselves and telling a little about their schools, families and their lives in Australia. They have started planning their winter wardrobes, getting, visas, bank cards and presents for their host families. It has been a busy and exciting time. We wish them well and look forward to reading their updates.

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