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Establishing a Men’s Shed – a Rewarding Community Service Project

By Rotarian Tony Hart, PHF

Men’s Sheds are community based, non-profit, non-commercial, non-political and non-religious organisations accessible to all men. Their primary activity is the provision of a safe and friendly environment where men are able to work on meaningful projects at their own pace in the company of other men. A major objective is to advance the wellbeing and health of their members.

Sheds offer a range of activities from woodwork and metal work to cooking classes, art classes, computer training and any other activity in which members wish to partake. Some participants attend simply for the social interaction and company.

With more than 1000 sheds around Australia, the Men’s Shed movement is strongly supported by all levels of Government due to the proven mental health benefits of membership. Significant Government grants are available to assist with establishing, expanding and equipping new and existing Sheds.

Establishing a Men’s Shed is a rewarding and worthwhile Community service project for Rotary clubs to undertake, as Rotary North Balwyn discovered. After local council research and a subsequent community forum, the Club established that a Men’s Shed would be welcome, as few activities were available for local retired and semi-retired men.

The Club and the City of Boroondara (owner of the site) worked collaboratively to ensure the necessary approvals and funding were obtained to establish a Shed. It took several years to raise the necessary funds and combined with generous support from Council, the construction of a purpose-built Shed was finalised in 2017. Federal Government support was also obtained to assist with the fit-out cost.

The Shed has proven to be a great success with 90 members who engage in a variety of activities that have been recently enhanced by the construction of raised garden beds. The Shed connects with the local community in a variety of ways including repairing furniture for residents, helping local schools and kindergartens with items such as boot racks, and engaging with the local disabled community.

An Incorporated Body, the Shed is managed by a board, which at first consisted totally of Rotarians, but now has 50% non-Rotarian board members.

Rotary Hawthorn also runs a Men’s Shed and, like Rotary North Balwyn, has found this project extremely worthwhile, adding a valuable asset to the local community.

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