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August Zoom meetings

The Club organised two zoom meetings in August with special guests Mr Tung Le and Mr Andrew Jobling. Pragya Kapil was inducted as the newest member of the club and will be presenting about her life and education in the first meeting in September 2020. 

Mr Tung Le joined the Rotary Club meeting on 6th August and talked about his arrival in Australia by Boat from Vietnam in the 1980s and his journey into local sport and a career in nursing and then drug and alcohol outreach work.  Now he runs a business providing mental health services to clients via a range of qualified staff that are contracted around the country to support and implement mental health care through recently created government funded programs.  Tung’s journey is a great local story and he continues to give back to the community that took him in (and his family) and embraced the people fleeing Vietnam’s  communist regime.  Thank you Tung for an insight to the current mental health policy and programs. 

 At the same meeting, we also welcomed Pragya Kapil, a "friend" of Rotary Club of Footscray for sometime now as the newest member of the team as a Rotarian. Pragya is currently working at Monash University and pursuing a Masters of Teaching (Secondary Teaching) at Victoria University. She will be presenting about her life and past association with Rotary in the upcoming Rotary meeting. She has been publishing the Bulletin since June 2020. 

Our second speaker for August meeting was Mr Andrew Jobling, the former St.Kilda AFL player who has previously spoken to the Club several years ago, but he spoke this time about how to “stay motivated in a lockdown”.   Andrew talked about the many ways that he is grateful, and said that we all should be looking at our own reasons for why we can be grateful in a lockdown – whether that relates to having more time with family, the ability to do more reading, gardening, or just having time out from technology or the usual work grind.  Andrew took a range of questions and  discussed his new book – The Wellness Puzzle, which is about creating optimum well-being one piece at a time.   A really uplifting and thought provoking presentation.    


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