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Meeting June 20th

The Changeover, or "Rollover"as we call it due to lack of change, was a happy and successful meeting with a large turnout.
The incoming DG, Michael Lapino gave a brief and punchy talk about "the magic" of Rotary, David Dippie of North Essendon, gave us his idea and hopes for the new groupings of clubs, and the old Sergeant, JR, was exhumed for a true story. 

A new member Che Granger was inducted and we look forward to his involvement inthe our club.

Adding to the VIPs present, Peter Shepard DGE was a welcome guest.

Meeting June 6th

Start Well - Finish Brilliantly

The Vice Chancellor of Victoria University, Professor Adam Schumacher spoke at our meeting on June 6th. He spoke with great pride and enthusiasm of the university’s innovation in the tertiary education sector, improving student outcomes and student satisfaction

Prof Schumacher believes the “flipped” campus is the campus of the future and this already a feature at some of the campuses of VU. The model connects tertiary education both higher degrees and TAFE with industry and provides opportunities for research. VU embraces the flipped campus where at least one industry partner is physically situated on campus. This allows a wide range of students to be actively involved in education and work placements, internships and in some fields the opportunity to work directly with the public.


Update on Horn of Africa Project

Latest News on Horn of Africa Project

On Saturday June 1st Rotarians joined with members of the Ethiopian community at Donations in Kind for the packing of the latest container of medical equipment and supplies bound for Djibouti and then onto Ayder Hospital in Tigray, regional state of Ethiopia.

The local federal member of parliament Tim Watts made a special effort to be there. Jama Farah, President Bob Newman and Tim Watts all spoke about the program. Members of the Tigray Community provided traditional food which was enjoyed by all present.

Official presentations can be viewed with this link:

Theme for the Month - Fellowships

Rotary celebrates Fellowship in the month of June and what a great way to end the year as we all come together for the many changeover events that lie ahead. 

Meeting May 16th

For the third year now, the Rotary Club of Footscray has partnered with Mambourin Enterprises Ltd to present Awards to 3 employees at Mambourin in recognition of outstanding service to Mambourin.  The Awards were conceived to assist in attracting and retention of quality workers in the particularly challenging workplace market in provision of disability services.
 It was a pleasure to be able to present each awardee with a certificate of recognition and an Award of $1,000.00, which is contributed equally by the Rotary Club and Mambourin.


Meeting May 2nd

The Evan Phillips Award was presented at our first meeting in May. Ms Gemma Ladgrove, Apprentice and Trainee Manager at WPC, detailed the process leading to Ms Thao Nugyen being selected for the 2024 award. Currently Thoa is in her fourth year as an automotive apprentice. From a young age she always a passion for cars. After school she would tinker with engines and eventually started doing repairs for friends. When she finished high school a friend suggested she get formal qualifications and so applied for an apprenticeship leading to this award. She loves her work!
We were pleased that Thao’s mother was present for the presentation.

Speaker 18th April

Our speaker was Sasha Kober who gave a very thoughtful and researched, personal reflection on “The state of State Education”.
Sasha has been teaching at Princes Hill High for 20 years and is a passionate advocate of “quality free accessible education”.
Despite its problems, Victorian education delivers the best attendance rates and NAPLAN scores and less difference across private/public divide, in the nation.
Major issues:


Speaker April 4th

Our speaker on April 4th was Katie Hall, Member for Footscray in the Legislative Assembly since 2018.
Katie is proud of her Footscray heritage and was encouraged by her family to become involved in public life.
2025 will be a big year for the local community:


Golf Day

The Annual Golf day on April 19th was held at Eynesbury Golf Course this year, due to rising costs at Sanctuary Lakes. We were well supported by Sponsors and Donations from far and wide, as well as from our members too.   We had 56 players join in for a fun day and most I spoke to, enjoyed the day of relaxed golf (always better in a cart if you don’t have to walk!) and the food received favourable comments too. 


Horn of Africa Project - a further update

We would like to provide an update regarding the Horn of Africa project, which has now successfully completed its latest initiative to send essential goods to the Horn of Africa region.

The Horn of Africa project was commissioned to provide those living in the Horn of Africa region with the resources and materials that would make a positive difference in their lives. In particular, the project aimed to provide medical equipment to local hospitals that were in dire need, and to support locals who would otherwise travel long distances to receive the basic medical care that they needed. The beneficiaries of these donated resources can now boast of much improved facilities and vastly superior patient care.



Mambourin Awards

At the meeting on May 16th, three awards will be made to staff at Mambourin Enterprises. These awards by our club in partnership with Mambourin. will be made in the following categories:-
1.       Outstanding Supported Employee
2.       Outstanding Disability Support Worker
3.       First Year Disability Support Worker


Speakers 21st March

At our meeting on 21 March tow speakers Fortuna Berhane of the Australia Tigray Alliance and Dr Hiwet Aregawi a medical practioner who arrived in Australia a year ago. They gave us apowerful insight to the needs in Tigray following the two year civil war. 

Fortuna emphasised the waty in which support can be provided whilst Hiwet spoke of the lack of supplies that resulted in many deaths,


Speaker March 7th

Sharon Read, Acting Director of Western Health Foundation spoke at our March 7 meeting.

During her presentation she highlighted the fundraising efforts last year that financed the purchase of an ultrasound scanner for use in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit which will assist in the management premature babies.

Horn of Africa Project - Update

Two containers have recently arrived at port of Berbera, Ethiopia.

A container of medical supplieds arrived early March and has been transported to Jig Jiga, Somali Regional State of Ethiopia.

Last week a second container arrived and included a large donation of ForaMeal from RC Canterbury and also donated clothes.

Community Awards Update

This year the Rotary Club of Footscray is again supporting and sponsoring 2 very important Awards in our Vocational Services programs- the Mambourin and Evan Phillips awards.
Partnering with Mambourin Enterprises, our Club will present 3 Awards, which include $1,000 to each recipient matched dollar for dollar with Mambourin in these categories:-
1.       Outstanding Supported Employee
2.       Outstanding Disability Support Worker
3.       First Year Disability Support Worker


Family Day at Whitten Oval

We were delighted to be invited by the  to conduct a sausage sizzle at the Western Bulldogs family day and practice match at the Whitten Oval on Friday 23rd February. Two shifts of members sold hundreds of sausages and drinks to the Bulldog fans. Extra supplies were required after the midday rush. This was the most productive sausage sizzle the club has conducted and the profit will be approx $4000.


Rotary Youth Sailing Challenge

Speakers at our February 1st meeting were Charlie, Fred and Mikaela, who our club sponsored to the Rotary Sailing Challenge on a four day cruise around Port Phillip Bay on Enterprise in January.
All three are very grateful for the opportunity to have such an amazing experience.

Funds ($2234) supporting the Rotary Youth Sailing Challenge were raised through our Christmas raffle.


Speaker 15th February - Andrew Hoadley

Andrew spoke about his grandfather, Arch Hoadley, the first principal of Footscray Technical School and prime mover in the formation of the Rotary Club of Footscray.
Having completed degrees in Mining Engineering and Geology Arch sought adventure and was a member of Mawson’s Antarctic Expedition in 1911-13 as a geologist. On returning from the Antarctic 1914-16 he was a lecturer at the Ballarat School of Mines.
Arch took up his appointment at Footscray in 1916 with 184 day students and 132 evening students. Fees were 15 shillings per term or 5 shillings for evening students and free to those under 14.
His philosophy was to educate young men so that they could:


Horn of Africa Project - Update

We are pleased once again to provide an update on the Horn of Africa project. A project commissioned by the Rotary Club of Footscray, as part of Rotary District 9800, and Donations in Kind, to support those living in the Horn of Africa region.

We have achieved another success in fundraising for the Ayder Hospital in the Tigray Regional State of Ethiopia, which is the largest hospital in the region and the only one with surgical facilities. A once state-of-the-art facility providing world class care to people all over the region, the hospital is now in shambles after the recent conflict in the country.



Foundation News

The latest District 9800 Foundation News contains articles concerning the End Polio Now programme. Over the last 35 years Rotary has been an important partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative which has decreased the number of wild polio cases worldwide by 99.9%. At the end of 2022 there were 30 cases reported, 2 in Afghanistan, 20 in Pakistan and 8 in Mozambique. It is estimated that if eradication efforts ceased today, within 10 years polio could paralyse as many as 200,000 children annually.

For the full newsletter click here.


Christmas Function

Our final meeting for the 2022 year naturally had a Christmas flavour. Thanks to Maria and Dianne for decorating the tables with a Christmas flavour.

A trivial pursuit quiz with a Christmas theme prepared by Maria with John Granger as quizmaste There were several winners and thanks go to Phillip Caruso for providing the prizes, bottles of fine wines. Graeme gave a presentation about his recent Nullarbor experience he and Joy had by road and rail.


Footscray Art Prize

As a partner in the Footscray Art Prize our club will once again sponsor the Young Artists Awards of $500 for both a Primary and Secondary category. The prize is open to younf peoiple in Melbournes West Entries  close on March 20th. the FAP exhibition will be held in July-August.

The nationwide visual art prize has a total of $33000 prize money.

Full details at FAP website.


Youth Challenge Sailing Program

Victorian clubs from all districts are invited to become involved in sponsoring participants in two very special interstate Youth Challenge sails on South Australia’s ship, ‘One & All’ in 2023.  

The expansion of the Rotary Youth Challenge Sailing Program into Victoria, where a Youth Challenge Sail Committee has just been formed, will be enhanced by these special voyages in conjunction with the Rotary International World Convention in Melbourne. 

The first 7-day sail will voyage from Adelaide to Melbourne prior to the Convention; the second will return from Melbourne to Adelaide after its conclusion. 

As part of the Rotary International Convention, One & All will also be taking Conference delegates on short lunch and dinner cruises on the Yarra River from Docklands. 

View the short video to explain the program: 


School Supplies for Timor Leste

Club members recently donated school supplies for Timor Leste at the meeting on Feb 2nd. Maria loaded all the donations into Suzanne Zammit's car a boot for delivery to DIK awaiting shipment in due course.


Speaker March 2 - Catriona Robinson-Nguyen

Catrione, daughter of PP Jamie Robertson and Suong Nguyen is well known to many of our members who have watched her grow up. Her first official connection with Rotary was when our club sponsored her to the National Youth Science Forum around 10 years ago and since then her career in Science has been outstanding and extensive. One area that she is focussing on is Science Communication – helping the general population to understand scientific information necessary for everyday life. The COVID pandemic showed how important this area is in providing accessible information and in helping to counteract pseudo-science. Her communication skills are outstanding and engaging. 



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