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Meeting September 5th - speaker Fred Glasbrenner

Fred was a pioneer of the local abalone industry in the early ’60’s. After arriving in Australia in 1956, he and two friends cycled to Melbourne in time for the Olympics Games.
Whilst working as a bus driver he became a very keen skin diver and soon started diving for abalone.
Business opportunities arose when there was interest from Safcol and SPC for canning abalone and developing an export industry.
By 1963 he was living off abalone and started a canning business in Nth Laverton -Abolone Exports- and started canning and exporting worldwide and employing 35 people.
The business provided a good income and allowed him to return to Germany 30 times to visits his parents and family, the first visit with his Australian wife and son.
Despite a lack of foresight by governments, the introduction of quotas and size limits has preserved the industry and currently sustains ten divers in Victoria. Illegal fishing and unsustainable practices destroyed the industry off California and South Africa.
Initially the diving work was dangerous, with just a snorkel, mask and basic flippers and no protection from sharks. Modern wet suits and equipment along with shark cages have made the work much safer.
Fred’s son continues in the business.
Below is a Fred pictured with Angus and Elia. The two books, written by Fred are:
The Central Zone - the history of Fred’s involvement in the abalone industry
Journey of a Lifetime - the story of three friends riding bicycles from Germany to Melbourne

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