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Meeting June 20th

The Changeover, or "Rollover"as we call it due to lack of change, was a happy and successful meeting with a large turnout.
The incoming DG, Michael Lapino gave a brief and punchy talk about "the magic" of Rotary, David Dippie of North Essendon, gave us his idea and hopes for the new groupings of clubs, and the old Sergeant, JR, was exhumed for a true story. 

A new member Che Granger was inducted and we look forward to his involvement inthe our club.

Adding to the VIPs present, Peter Shepard DGE was a welcome guest.

Meeting June 6th

Start Well - Finish Brilliantly

The Vice Chancellor of Victoria University, Professor Adam Schumacher spoke at our meeting on June 6th. He spoke with great pride and enthusiasm of the university’s innovation in the tertiary education sector, improving student outcomes and student satisfaction

Prof Schumacher believes the “flipped” campus is the campus of the future and this already a feature at some of the campuses of VU. The model connects tertiary education both higher degrees and TAFE with industry and provides opportunities for research. VU embraces the flipped campus where at least one industry partner is physically situated on campus. This allows a wide range of students to be actively involved in education and work placements, internships and in some fields the opportunity to work directly with the public.


Update on Horn of Africa Project

Latest News on Horn of Africa Project

On Saturday June 1st Rotarians joined with members of the Ethiopian community at Donations in Kind for the packing of the latest container of medical equipment and supplies bound for Djibouti and then onto Ayder Hospital in Tigray, regional state of Ethiopia.

The local federal member of parliament Tim Watts made a special effort to be there. Jama Farah, President Bob Newman and Tim Watts all spoke about the program. Members of the Tigray Community provided traditional food which was enjoyed by all present.

Official presentations can be viewed with this link:

Theme for the Month - Fellowships

Rotary celebrates Fellowship in the month of June and what a great way to end the year as we all come together for the many changeover events that lie ahead. 

Meeting May 16th

For the third year now, the Rotary Club of Footscray has partnered with Mambourin Enterprises Ltd to present Awards to 3 employees at Mambourin in recognition of outstanding service to Mambourin.  The Awards were conceived to assist in attracting and retention of quality workers in the particularly challenging workplace market in provision of disability services.
 It was a pleasure to be able to present each awardee with a certificate of recognition and an Award of $1,000.00, which is contributed equally by the Rotary Club and Mambourin.


Meeting May 2nd

The Evan Phillips Award was presented at our first meeting in May. Ms Gemma Ladgrove, Apprentice and Trainee Manager at WPC, detailed the process leading to Ms Thao Nugyen being selected for the 2024 award. Currently Thoa is in her fourth year as an automotive apprentice. From a young age she always a passion for cars. After school she would tinker with engines and eventually started doing repairs for friends. When she finished high school a friend suggested she get formal qualifications and so applied for an apprenticeship leading to this award. She loves her work!
We were pleased that Thao’s mother was present for the presentation.


As things return to normal post COVID-19 we will meet on the first and third Thursday evenings of the month.

Details of meetings are posted on this website and also Facebook.

All are most welcome to join us.


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