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Horn of Africa Project Report

We are very pleased to provide an update on the Horn of Africa project. Through our service and goodwill, we have achieved significant success in our goal of changing the lives of those in need in the Horn of Africa region.
The Horn of Africa project was commissioned by the Rotary Club of Footscray, as part of Rotary District 9800, and Donations in Kind, to provide those living in the Horn of Africa region with the resources and inspiration to make a positive impact in their lives. In particular, the project aimed to provide medical equipment to local hospitals that were in dire need, and to support locals who would otherwise travel long distances to receive the basic medical care that they needed. The beneficiaries of these donated resources include Jig-jiga University Sheik Hassen Referral Hospital and Harar Regional State Health Bureau Jugel General Hospital.

Through the generous contributions and support of our community, our crowdfunding campaign has been able to raise over $47,800, which will cover the transportation costs of three containers loaded with donated materials and equipment. We are extremely proud to note that the first container has already been sent out for transport and has reached its destination of the Berbera Port in November 2023.
While we have enjoyed enormous support from far and wide, we would like to give special thanks to some contributors; Western Health, Austin Health, Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute, The Rotary Club of Canterbury and McGraw Hill. It is through the invaluable support of those who have donated their materials, resources, and time that we have been able to make such large strides in achieving our lofty goals.
As already mentioned, the first container has already reached its destination, and we are pleased to announce that we have loaded the two remaining containers in November 2023. We have successfully achieved our goal to raise $45,000 and load three containers of goods for dispatch to Berbera Port before the end of the year 2023.
In summary, we are extremely pleased with the great success we have enjoyed so far, and we hope that this phenomenal success continues into the future. This success has been a result of everyone involved in this project. Once again, we would like to show our deep appreciation and gratitude, and ask that we all continue striving for a better world for us all and consider those who will inherit this world after us.


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